Free laptops from Microsoft

It seems that Microsoft is sending free laptops (Acer Ferrari) to people. If this is true, just know that if I get one I'll write a good, positive review. Hint, hint, Microsoft


Steve Ballmer in: DEVELOPERS! DEVELOPERS! DEVELOPERS: The monkey dance

Title says it all. A mix between the "DEVELOPERS! DEVELOPERS! DEVELOPERS!" video and the "Dance Monkeyboy" video. And this is the guy who runs Micro$oft. DON'T GIVE HIM MONEY!



DMV Employees
Circle I Limbo

General asshats
Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind

Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow

Parents who bring squalling brats to R-rated movies
Circle IV Rolling Weights

Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled

River Styx

Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein
Circle VI Buried for Eternity

River Phlegyas

Circle VII Burning Sands

Bill Gates
Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement

George Bush
Circle IX Frozen in Ice

Design your own hell

A quick look at Opera and how it compares to Firefox

The versions compared are Firefox 2.0 and Opera 9.02.

Part 0: License
Opera has a proprietary license. It is available free of charge. Firefox is tri-licensed under the MPL, GPL, and LGPL. It is open source software. However, the Mozilla/Debian issue should be noted.
WINNER: Firefox

Part 1: Install
There is nothing to note about the install. The only thing that come close to being of importance (IMO) is that Firefox has a smaller installer. The difference is very small and not very noticeable even on dial-up.

Part 2: Customizatibility
Opera allows the user to have some control of the themes included with it and a few third-party themes not mentioned on the Opera site. Firefox, however, has numerous themes available and they are searchable from the Firefox site. Both Opera and Firefox have ways to add features. Opera does this with widgets, which float and can be opened and closed. Firefox uses extensions, which can be in toolbars, the status bar, in menus, or a few other places. Extensions are able to have more effect on the browser.
WINNER: Firefox

Part 3: Features
Both Firefox and Opera have a search bar and keyword search (though Opera has more keyword searches by default). Firefox, by default has a status bar, while it must be enabled in Opera. Both have tabbed browsing, and have had this feature for a long time (though Opera used to be more like AOL or Word-- with page windows in the main window).

Part 4: Standards
Firefox and Opera both have better CSS rendering capabilities than Internet Explorer (even version 7), not that that say much. However, Opera passes the ACID2 test and Firefox does not. Opera was the first browser to support SVG, though both browsers now support it.

PART 5: Closing statements
Overall, in the five sections, Firefox wins 4/3. However, it narrowly wins in the license category, just as Opera narrowly wins in the standards section. If Firefox eventually passes the ACID2 test, then there will be a split win, bringing Firefox to win 5/3. I will keep Opera installed and continue to use it, but I will recommend Firefox to most people.


hkw8tr94w5789wuir037854e8sdfoerher9030u799q7q lqgvqngq5g9l5gn7n754q2 4y7 9vcyui n78 9iyuYUI&*(&*($HUUI$O0nu8vhuio 7bdgfjgf859kgjklsjkgfljkldfvnmdgjgkjfgjmgkthis is a poitbedkfsjfoanjsdfufmdfffdofjifjblogpostvnjsdkfuca er8rfdff8we5sdjfdhfisudhfkjsfhs8ihKUFU98SDHJKy8uhgf98sh^%#%Tmt3hgxjg


Rumsfield out, democrats control house and senate.

WOOT! Donal Rumfield, the (now former) Secretary of Defence has RESIGNED, and democrats have control of the house and senate. This makes for a great two days.

And as a bonus, someone I really don't like has left for the weekend, which includes the Friday off.


Why can't 6.10 be in shipit?

Ubuntu 6.10 is not in shipit. You are required to buy or download it. Here is the bug report: https://launchpad.net/products/shipit/+bug/68841


I am

alt="Trojan" border=0 width=200 height=100 />

Love the new image, you've come along way since wooden horses, but
as popular as ever.

Computer virus quiz



Autumn is cold and leaves are very colourful. Death reminds pickles of carrots an umm tomatoes. Dogs eating raw monkeys. Trees are weird looking and pointless. Donkeys eat people and baked fish. Lemons are sour. Air kills slowly and destroys eyeballs. It exists in parallel with lines. All humans breathe this substance called air. Murder is fundamental when you are using it for entertainment. Acorns hit kittens on the head. Kittens attack trees and evil monkeys in packs. Chimps are evil. Parallel lines have no friends. You are a parallel line. I am a kitten and you are holding acorns.WE KILL YOU by clawing you into PERPENDICULAR LINES! People have eight brains and we use none of them. ALL HUMANITY SUCKS!



Your Quirk Factor: 70%

You're so quirky, it's hard for you to tell the difference between quirky and normal.
No doubt about it, there's little about you that's "normal" or "average."

Life is great!

You Are 72% Cynical

You're a full blown cynic... and probably even skeptical of these results.
You have your optimistic moments, but most likely you keep them to yourself.

Since when am I sarcastic?

You're Totally Sarcastic

You sarcastic? Never! You're as sweet as a baby bunny.
Seriously, though, you have a sharp tongue - and you aren't afraid to use it.
And if people are too wimpy to deal with your attitutde, then too bad. So sad.

How Paranoid Schizophrenic am I?

You Are 60% Paranoid Schizophrenic

It's likely that you're perfectly fine, though you have your crazy moments.
You tend to be a bit paranoid, but no one's out to get you but yourself.

Political Party

You Are a "Don't Tread On Me" Libertarian

You distrust the government, are fiercely independent, and don't belong in either party.
Religion and politics should never mix, in your opinion... and you feel opressed by both.
You don't want the government to cramp your self made style. Or anyone else's for that matter.
You're proud to say that you're pro-choice on absolutely everything!


So I try to add some stuff found on http://www.alivans.com. and IT ISN'T ON FROOGLE! So, I must list it here instead of ON MY WISHLIST which is WHERE IT BELONGS!

Cherry Wand- $36.00
Regal School Robe - Blue Satin Lining- $109.00
Robe Size: Adult L/XL

No, I'm not actually that tall, a couple inches shorter for the next few months :/



Un- One
Eh- Two
Tre- Three
Fu'o- Four
Mid- Five
Sen- Six
Lon'un- Seven
Ait- Eight
Nin- Nine
Fin- Ten

Developing a language online

Although SMS, IM, chat, and Email have languages, they are primarily developed from a necessity or desire to shorten messages and provide privacy. They also have numerouse guides like AOL offers, and only a small amount of invention. This is an attempt to create a language in a way similar to the way open source software is developed. That is, a small start, submissions sent in, some chosen and made official. Note: this will have to be a written only language because I dont know how to do pronunciation guides, and no one who does knows the correct way to pronounce my words. If you include a guide with a word you suggest that is added, it will not be included in the official list.

1. Leave a comment with the word(s) and English equivilent(s) (If not US dialect, specify dialect). If you do not speak English, use an online converter.

Official Dictionary will be a new post.


Problem with the GPL

The GPL has a problem. A problem that would be vey difficult to solve. A problem in the underlying workinks of the GPL.

The GPL works because of copyright. It gives people rights they otherwise would not have. However, the author (as I understand it) is NOT forced to abide by the GPL. Therefore, they can release something under the GPL without the source code. Because of this, the software would be no different than without the GPL.

Why would they do this? Because releasing software under the GPL looks good, but that doesn't mean that they would want to release the code (for whatever reason).



Version: 3.14P
GIT/MU/L/MC/O>$ dpu-(--) s: a13 C++>++++$ UL++++ P---(+) L+++ E-(!----) W+++(---) N++ !o K- w--- O-- !M>+ V- PS+++ PE Y+>++$
PGP>+++ !t 5? !X R+(++) tv+ b++++ DI+++ !D G++>++++ e-- !h !r
EXT: http://devrandom.freehostpro.com/hpgce..html
Ba a1 mA(!) TA>$ c++ F(!) w++++>$ R2++++ DdW q++++
EXT: http://www.snpp.com/guides/geekcode.html
S1.3 HOM-- BAR+ LIS* P&S- BUR+(*) MIL+ MTN- APU+ KRU++ RWG- MEL+ I&S+++ ?TRO f+
EXT: http://bob.bob.bofh.org/~giolla/bobcode.html
KEs@Bts lw EO@IT m3 CI@V B-36 Ol LGmbS ScTCs T- A7! H7(8)o b7
EXT: http://www.hackerkey.com/index.html
EXT: http://kuoi.asui.uidaho.edu/~kamikaze/doc/geekWeapons.html
ma>++/+++ k>++ !F0>+++5 !X>++(+++)
EXT: http://devrandom.freehostpro.com/nsgce.html
EXT: http://www.swcp.com/pcaskey/geekext.html
as++ ty++
EXT: http://alumni.cse.ucsc.edu/~dylan/mgc/



Ted "Series of Tubes" Stevens

I was finally bothered to find the quote in which Alaskan senator Ted Stevens refers to the internet as a "series of tubes". There's plenty of information on wikipedia.

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I think he's with the CIA


PeoplePC without their software

A couple of a days ago, I had some trouble with the PeoplePC software and had to reinstall it. However, the uninstaller didn't wor so I coudn't reinstall. I contacted support, expecting to have to make registry changes and the like. However, they instead told my how to connect without their software. This was after emailing them questions about using their service without the software and being told it was impossible. They also said there is no Linux support, but I have it working in Linux (and am using it now). All you do is enter your username and password in your system's standard dialup networking tool, but use your full email address instead of the username (in other words, username@peoplepc.com as the username, not username). Use the same numbers as their software uses. Windows 98 didn't have any tweaking necessary, though in Linux (using GNOME PPP), some tweaking was needed (it'll be obvious what to do after opening settings.

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I think he's with the CIA


Osama dead?

As I woke up, the first thing I heard from the alarm clock radio was news of Osama bin Laden's death. I may not have been quite awake, they may be wrong, or Osama bin Laden is dead.

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I think he's with the CIA


Ubuntu Forums "Rankings"

Here are the (partial) rankings in the ubuntu forums:

0 Posts- First cup of Ubuntu
14 Posts- Spilled the beans
15 Posts- Five cups of Ubuntu
90 Posts- Just give me the beans!
100 Posts- A carafe of Ubuntu

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I think he's with the CIA

Linux Registration Numbers

Linux user 430538
Registered Machine #335692

The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 7858
Registered Machine #9033

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I think he's with the CIA



I've gotten encrypted posts to work, so if a post seems nothing more than meaningless line noise, it needs decryption. In most cases the decryption key will be available. An example of encrypted text:


Decrypt text (passwd is 'decrypt-me')

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I think he's with the CIA


Linux announced fifteen years ago

15 years ago yesterday (I'm really posting this a day late), Linux was announced on comp.os.minix on USENET! Google groups has the original thread.

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I think he's with the CIA


Why must the world have so many idiots?

Apple has settled with Creative for $100 million dollars over the hirarchcal menu interface (Genre -> Artist -> Album -> Song). This came after Creative claimed a patent (issued to them in 2001) was violated by Apple. There are two problems with this decision.

  1. iPods have been around for awhile. Creative has had plenty of time to file for this, but just filed this year.
  2. The patent is obvious. It's a system that's been in use for a long time, just applied to a portable digital music player. The fact it is "intuitive" (probably a word used in the patent) means it is OBVIOUS.
Also, the settlement my lower if Creative secures licensing deals with other DMP manufacturers.

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I think he's with the CIA


I am an INTP personality, apparently.

Pirate Monkey's Harry Potter Personality Quiz
Harry Potter Personality Quiz
by Pirate Monkeys Inc.
Oh, so VOLDEMORT!? hjfsdajfasdhfhadfjhadkp

And another quiz (more based on the books) says I am

Which HP Kid Are You?

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I think he's with the CIA

That long?

On slashdot (see links) there is an article saying that under a new National Highway Traffic Safety Asministration resolution, car manufactuers will have to tell people that the car they are buying has a black box (which in this case records data related to how the person drives, such as speed). It also limits what black boxes can record. This sounds good, and is, but dows not have to be complied with until model year 2011. This is is really much too long. After all, how long does it really take for car dealershipws to start telling people which cars have black boxes? Probably a few months, maybe six months, at most a year (it would seem, but I can't know for a fact, so anyone in the industry tell me IN A COMMENT). Changing the programming in black boxes shouldn't take too long either (for the manufacturer), especially as it is almost entirely removing code and changing/adding a few lines of code. So the deadline for compliance could be model year 2007-2009 (somewhere in there)

Also, something interesting said was

while totally irrelevant, it lead to an interesting thought... the data in the recorder is a unique pattern generated by the drivers purposeful actions- eg the data was explicitly designed by the driver and therefore is automatically copyrighted on their behalf..
Someone else said in reply

i don't think that argument would fly, but if it's a unique expression of the owner would it not also be self-incrimination?

(Damn, blockquotes are a pain in the @$$)

This could be helpful, but the cops can get away with most anything, so it doesn't matter.


Unnecessary post #1

It's late. I have to go to school tomorrow. This post is to fill my self-imposed minimum number of posts per random time unit.



A while ago, I asked for help installing XGL on my laptop. Then I forgot about doing so. Today, while looking for the instructions that I found using the term "XGL on ubuntu thinkpad R50e" on google, I found it. As the first result.