Why must the world have so many idiots?

Apple has settled with Creative for $100 million dollars over the hirarchcal menu interface (Genre -> Artist -> Album -> Song). This came after Creative claimed a patent (issued to them in 2001) was violated by Apple. There are two problems with this decision.

  1. iPods have been around for awhile. Creative has had plenty of time to file for this, but just filed this year.
  2. The patent is obvious. It's a system that's been in use for a long time, just applied to a portable digital music player. The fact it is "intuitive" (probably a word used in the patent) means it is OBVIOUS.
Also, the settlement my lower if Creative secures licensing deals with other DMP manufacturers.

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I think he's with the CIA

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